Sunday, April 6, 2014

Herri Feats

I recently happened on a neighborhood festa. Each city/town has its own festival, but many individual neighborhoods also have their own separate ones. These affairs usually involve rides, food, live music, and demonstrations. This demo featured several herri kirolak txapeldunak-or country sports champions. This one is aizkolari-the guy chops notches in a log, inserts boards in the notches, climbs up the log on the boards, and chops from the top down, all within a very short period of time. Sounds boring/is actually surprisingly suspenseful.
 People gamble on some of these events, though this one was just for show.
In this event, people compete to see who can pitch a bale of hay the highest.
There are several different variations in which the guy has to lift a big stone, or several guys lift something heavy and cart it around within a specific time period. There is usually a very animated announcer.

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