Carnaval ends with the Burial of the Sardine here-a mock funeral in which a sardine is burned, symbolizing the incineration of the past, to mark the end of the carnaval festivities and begin Lent anew. Here's a video of the ceremony in Donostia.
More prosaically-an adventure in mistranslation-what does this look like to you? Cornmeal, right? To make some nice warm cornbread on a chilly day to accompany your pot of minestrone? Ha ha, you fool! I opened the box and found the contents to be unusually fine for cornmeal, but I said hey, maybe they just mill it really fine. And I made a whole batch of cornbread. And then I decided that mayyybe it wasn't cornmeal after all, so while I was baking it, I looked at the actual ingredients. Which said almidón de maíz. That would be cornstarch. Not cornmeal. Ahem. So well, baking anyway, Google says that celiacs use this stuff for bread all the time...and F pronounced the end result perfectly fine. The guy who uses bread as an accompaniment to pizza-he knows his way around a complex carbohydrate. So, not the worst of culinary adventures. And yet-learn from this, grasshoppers. And go bury your sardines, they smell funny.