Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jai Eguna

The magnificent, ear-splitting, rain-soaked, debauched parade of inventive homemade floats, drunken street-dancing, brass bands and costumes of questionable ethnic stereotypes that is carnaval came around a couple weeks ago. Here is our report, from Tolosa.
A group performed a choreographed dance outside their slot machine float.

The "greenhouse" portion of this float contained planter boxes with actual leeks.
Jaunty 18-19th century brass music will make even the soggiest heart cheer.
A 'priest' blesses the throngs with a toilet brush.
Some of these floats are liveable.
Fly the friendly skies.
It is traditional to dress up your balcony with colored sheets and balloons.
Can never have enough brass.
I don't even know.
Smurfs are quite popular.
A Tuna (not the fish).
Trojan horse
Tolosa Carnaval
Just in case.
The Orangemobile, alas, is not self-propelling.
The original Vikings could have been even more successful if they had waterproofed their ship. And had PacMan on board.
What does the fox say? This group also had some choreography.