Monday, July 30, 2012

Baionako Festa

We hopped a train to the French Republic yesterday to go to the last day of Baiona festivals. Baiona is still in the Basque Country, but little Basque is spoken there. We mostly heard French, which is the only official language of France, whereas Basque is one of four official languages of the Spanish state. In common with other festivals, you can see there are a lot of brass bands and similar elements.

Castle screen

Entering the city

Different flavors of giants
Le roi, c'est moi!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Killer Tomatoes

Yes, I actually am a proud graduate of what was once known as the Department of Fruits and Vegetables. Fortunately we're up a couple stories or I'd be worried about passersby succumbing to its cries of "feed me, Seymour!" Now all we need is a cow for our balcony, and we'll never have to leave our apartment again! It's basically hydroponic at this point and I'm not sure if it will hold out until the fruits ripen, but we're hoping. We headed to the artisan fair in town today to get a glimpse of my favorite cooking show host, who was going to receive an award, but alas, he was there earlier and we missed him. However, there was canned octopus (Greg Brown has a lyric about "canned trout" and it was supposed to be funny, but he's obviously never been here). I also have, unbeknownst to me, my own line of canned duck confit. Stay cool, folks. We're hearing all this stuff about the USA seeing major effects in up to half its crops due to drought and we really hope it's not true.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Ahh, Digitalis, source of an important treatment for congestive heart failure. We will need to eat it straight up on this hike.

Most luxurious deer stand evah.

And what do you put right in the middle of the mountain? 
                            A full-service restaurant. Because you are in Europe.

 The biogeography of tiny houses on mountain summits in the Basque Country. I know this thesis has been written. But it is still weird.
I confess that sugar-sweetened electrolyte-containing sports drinks were consumed during the making of this photo montage. And I am not sorry.