Would have put a coin next to Python Earthworm here for scale, but s/he ate it. And it doesn't even leave a bump. THAT is how big these things are.
We had a semi-respite from the month of April during which only one day was rain-free (which is fortunately some kind of record) but we are now back to our relentless advertising campaign to woo the Coastal Douglas Fir to change continents. So now we are being overrun by Burmese Wigglers. Keep your Yorkshire Terriers indoors.
However, the chestnut blossoms have a divine, delicate scent, and the fields are now filling with wildflowers. I am assured that someday, however briefly, it will stop raining long enough for us to go somewhere and take a handful of sharper-focus photos.
In the meantime, if you can read Spanish, you can go see a subtitled version of
Xora, a film that was recently produced in Zuberera, which is a Basque dialect spoken by under 15,000 people. Very dark, and a good way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon. Hopefully it will be released with English subtitles.